Katie Coughlin
[email protected]
Student body president Tim Hussey and vice president Lauren Bulla closed out the semester as they conducted the last meeting of their administration this past Wednesday.
With the results of the election officially counted, SGA will swear in Michael Davis as student body president and Kimani Anderson as vice president tomorrow at 5:15 p.m. in Brown Hall 217.
Hussey announced details of the American Sign Language Initiative are being solidified to add ASL as a second language at UNC Asheville. Hussey said costs and scheduling will be worked out at a meeting on April 17.
With the results of the election officially counted, SGA will swear in Michael Davis and Kimani Anderson as student body president and vice president this Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. in Brown Hall 217.
Bulla read an email sent to SGA about the recent passing of bill SSB 017-019.
“I’m writing to express my deepest gratitude for your leadership and practices that promote commitment and inclusion to all of our students here at UNC Asheville,” Bulla read from the email. “The university is even, by definition, a place of exclusion. Even as a public university it is comprised by accepting people only based on criteria that is perceptive, ever-changing and elusive.”
The initiative in question is a proposal to look into how inclusive UNCA really is and how it can be made more inclusive for those with disabilities.
The final internal agenda item was the Sexual Awareness and Violence Prevention Week. Organized by both PEPAH and SGA, Bulla moved to make this particular event PEPAH-exclusive.
“Most of the groundwork has been done through PEPAH students and interns. [We] are thinking to just go ahead and make it a PEPAH-exclusive program,” Bulla said. “I just feel that it would be redundant to have two SGA-related sexual awareness-oriented programs and I’m just going to shift it over to PEPAH specifically along with other organizations such as Our VOICE.”
After this declaration, the conversation moved to external reports. Topics discussed included finding volunteers to table for yoga on the Quad to benefit underfunded schools for girls and Healthfest, a new healthy campus initiative.
The meeting then turned to student affairs, where the upcoming model UN was discussed. Despite it was none of the official topics that made the biggest impact on those present.
“I just wanted to thank all of my fellow senators for the wonderful experience this year has been,” said Senior Senator Chris Bobbitt.
Following this expression of gratitude, Bobbitt congratulated those who were re-elected and those who are graduating and going to grad school. Before leaving, Bobbitt had one final thought for SGA.
meeting to air the grievances he said he felt during the semester
working with SGA. Photo courtesy of Chris Bobbitt.
“I have to say that you guys have been the most petty and spiteful group of students that I’ve ever had the displeasure to work with,” Bobbitt said. “Thank you and goodnight.”
Despite this harsh declaration, those present laughed as Bobbitt left the room. Hussey asked the executives to ignore the outburst and continue.
After a few more speeches from SGA members thanking the group, Bulla closed the meeting.
“Thank you all for your hard work this year and I think that SGA has moved forward in a lot of ways and I’m excited to see the continued growth in other directions,” Bulla said. “Thank you all for your dedication to this organization.”