Michael Edward Dorch, artist, originally from Tampa
What kind of art do you make?
“Sometimes audio, sometimes visual.”
Visual in terms of paintings, sketches–?
“Uh, yes, paintings, drawings, sketches, tattoos.”
That’s awesome.
“Just whatever I can get my hands on. I love art.”
What type of artwork specifically are you inspired by or enthused by?
“I say abstract and graffiti.”
What do you think of the graffiti scene in Asheville?
“Ummm, it would be better as soon as I get in it.”
Yeah. Do you have any plans to get in it?
“Actually I do. I’m working on a portfolio right now.”
That’s awesome. Do you have to have a portfolio to do graffiti?
“No, but I still draft it and then I still come out here and I’ll sit and I’ll draw and people’ll see it.”
“And then, you know, that kind of gets my name and face out there.”
Yeah. That’s awesome.
“Ummmm, I’m trying to get my ID card back and get a job, and like, you know, settle here. I like Asheville.”
If you don’t mind, what happened to your ID card?
“I lost my wallet.”
Ah, ok. That sucks.
So, what do you like about Asheville and what do you dislike about Asheville?
“Mmmm, I like everything about Asheville. There’s not too much I dislike.”
“You know, if you just like one thing, just give it a day and it’ll be better the next.”
That’s a good motto. Is that, if you were to say you had a personal motto that you live by, what would it be?
“Get it where you fit in.”
That’s awesome. Well, thank you so much.
“Thank you all.”