A beach is nestled on the edge of a small village along the Sleeping Bear shoreline. We stay long enough for the sand to be cold when we arrive, get warmed by the sun, and turn icy again when we leave. The sun sets just after 10, and families build fires in metal rings, filling the air with sweet smoke.
In front of the magenta-streaked horizon, children flock to a grand playset with slides that mingle with the clouds. I shimmy my way to the top of the slide and sit there, my feet dangling, terrified to let go and let the slide take me to the bottom. I sit there for stretches, and other children squeeze past me, flying down the slide without a second thought like it isn’t the scariest thing.
Going back to school can feel like I am a little kid on a tall slide again, watching other kids slide past me without a care in the world. I see friends grow into different versions of themselves, and relationships evolve and change in the blink of an eye. With each passing year I see myself morphing into someone I’ve never met before.
Even if you feel like you haven’t been able to do it in the past, take chances and speak out on what you believe in. Do the scary thing. Wear crazy eyeliner. Go for the internship you might not be qualified for. Get involved on campus like you wanted to last semester. Get your piece of writing published. You are more capable than you think you are. Don’t let others’ stories overtake your own.
The Blue Banner is UNC Asheville’s resource for speaking out. Whether you have writing, video editing or marketing skills, or you have a specific topic you want to bring to light, the Blue Banner is the platform for UNCA students to use their voices.
We publish everything from smut reviews and concert photo galleries to reporting on protests and local cold-case murders. The Blue Banner is always open to student contributions. If you feel there is a story that needs to be told, tell it. Don’t let your idea slip away from you because you think you aren’t qualified enough or don’t have enough experience. This is your chance to gain the experience you may not believe you have.
The start of the school year is always an introspective time for me. Sometimes it is a new beginning and sometimes I am still sitting on the top of the slide waiting for the courage to go down. School can be overwhelming and change can be hard, but I know if I hold my ground and keep writing my story, eventually, I will gain the courage to do the scary thing and slide down the big slide.
If you have a story to share or want to attend our meetings, please contact me at [email protected] or my co-editor, Brandon, at [email protected].